Customer: Fonnafly AS
Period: 2011-2013
Development and delivery of two units for control and operate concrete and lime tubs. With these units, the operator can open and close the tub without any modifications to the helicopter.
This unit we normally have in stock.
Customer: Flage Maskin and Gudvangen Stein AS
Period: 2013-2014
Delivered signal coverage test and radiocommunication for mining and tunnel. The combined solution is integrated with a GSM gateway. This system made it possible to call in and out to workers by an ordinary phone.
Customer: Flage Maskin AS
Period: 2019-2022
Delivered UHF connection in Norway’s second-longest road tunnel, Gudvanga. A cable-free solution that provides coverage in the entire tunnel. The system is connected to the barrack rig for notification and has redundancy to ensure uptime even if a cabinet is out of service. The system also has a backup with an online watchdog and GSM remote control.
Customer: Gudvangen Stein AS
Period: 2021
Radiocommunication for mining. This customer have installed three basestations in conference to have communcation both Radiocommunication for mining. This customer has installed three base stations in a conference setup to communicate outside and inside the tunnels. The system also has additional wi-fi in specified locations.
Customer: Fonnafly AS and VTK
Period: 2020-2021
Development of electronics and mechanics for underhanging timber claws operated by helicopter. Also performed simulation of the sequential hydraulics to make the operation more automated.
Customer: Green Waves AS
Period: 2021-2024
Worked as a consultant in the field of battery and electronics from idea to product in developing electric propulsion systems for small electric leisure boats.
Customer: Fjord Helicopter AS
Period: 2021-
Development of mechatronics for remote control of underhanging equipment used in helicopter operations. In this project, we do electronics design, and mechanical calculations and establish test procedures.
Customer: H2 House AS
Period: 2024-
Teaching how to operate both hydrogen electrolysers and fuel cells safely. Development of teaching material and basic lab setup to ensure safe demonstrations.
Customer: Metrostav Norway AS
Period: 2024-
Radiocommuncation in E18 Langangen-Rugtvedt in Porsgrunn to serve as emergency radiocommunication. Delivered with backup battery supply. Online monitoring with e-mail alarm if disconnected or low battery warming.
Keywords: UHF, radiocommunication
Customer: Storsjø Boat AS
Period: 2023
Commission and performance test on an electric work boat from Storjsø boat in Sweden. This boat has a water-cooled system from Combi together with a 15kWh battery bank. It also has 230V output and online monitoring from Victron.
Keywords:battery, test, documentation
Customer: Not to be published yet
Period: 2024-
Develop, design and prototype a new communication unit to be used in a helicopter. This unit will be for sale after all testing and documentation are done.
Keywords: audio, electronics, certification
Customer: PowerDock AS
Period: 2023-
In collaboration with Green Waves. Implement an off-grid battery hybrid solution to ensure 230V from the batteries in the dock. The dock is self-sufficient during the season and is charged from the PV solar panels on the dock.